Monday, 25 March 2013

VFX on It So Happens

It So Happens is in post-production, we have found an amazing VFX artist to composite the bedroom on fire scene... yes, you read right. And that's something that could only be done in post. Have a look at Nick Tregenza's website and marvel at the magic that he can create.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Spring in Uncharted's heel

As I'm putting the final touches to Uncharted Films' website, now that I am finally getting a grip on my film projects, I feel like I am coming out of hibernation. Spring must be at the door indeed, or in my heel. I feel ready to get back to work, but having had to put things on hold for so many months, I now have so much to get back to and catch up on.

It So Happens' post-production is back on track, I hope to be able to post some previews here soon. It's now time to get back to Good Riddance's location scouting. I am also still looking for a production designer, so if anyone is interested, please contact me.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

(Fallen) Audio Commentary

Hello all,
Long time no blog. Sorry for the silence, life outside the movies completely sidetracked me. However, this afternoon I will be seeing Fallen's lovely producer Ged Cleugh for a session of audio commentary of the short film, so we can finally get some DVDs done. Yoohoo! I will write some more later. Meantime, I have also updated Uncharted Films' website and it looks rather nice, if I do say so myself. Have a look

Ciao for now! x